Sunday, February 19, 2012

Project 1: Pretty Purple Pig

A friend of mine just recently had her first child, an adorable little girl.  My freshman year of college, she was my RA and actually taught me how to crochet.  At that time, I just worked on making scarves and really simple items.  Now that I can make something slightly more "advanced," I thought I would make her something for her new addition.

This pig pattern is from Knitting Mochimochi, by the very talented Anna Hrachovec (at Mochimochi Land).  I absolutely love this book and couldn't recommend it enough.  It has truly inspired me to try new things with knitting and is enjoyable from start to finish.  I'm certain that I'll be making more posts from patterns in this book in the very near future.

I chose to make the pig purple because I had just purchased some lighter purple yarn and thought it would be a great "alternative" pig color.  This little porcine creature comes with its own bright green bee hive wig, my personal favorite of the wig patterns outlined in the book.  

A few more pictures just below!

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